After I Reviewed
Yeti Sports 4 – Albatros Overload the other day, I began to think about these ‘beat your distance,’ type flash games. I mean they are almost in a genre of their own. They are not quite strategy, fighting, racing, sports, puzzle or anything I can think of. They do require a bit of skill, mostly having to do with when to press your mouse button to launch whatever it is you are launching. However most of the time the end result depends in nothing but luck!
Kitty Cannon is the all-time greatest of these games and the perfect example to illustrate my point. Basically the whole point of the game it use a cannon to launch your Kitty as far as you can! The only part that requires the user’s interaction is the aiming of the cannon and the actual launching time and power of the kitty. While one might interpret this as the skilled portion of the game, the real outcome is almost entirely dependant on the placement of the obstacles that are scattered ahead that can either help propel the poor defenseless kitty, or stop her in her tracks!
So, while some swear that aiming the cannon at a 45 degree angle and using 100 percent power when launching is the best approach, others argue that 65 degrees and 90 percent is the way to go. I take a different approach. I just launch as quickly as I can to get as many launches in as I can. The reason I take this approach is because a ‘helper’ object could be directly in front of the kitty, thus sending her on a chain of subsequent other helper objects, propelling her further and further. Or a ‘stopper’ object can instantly stop the kitty in her tacks not matter how fast or far she’s been!
So there you have it. If you’ve played it, you know the game well and are probably smiling now. Perhaps you’ve even paused for a quick replay of the game!
If you have not, go a head and give it a ‘shot!’ See how far you can get and come back here and leave your score in our comments.
Some of the ‘helper’ objects will propel the kitty higher into the air. And if you get the angle just right, the kitty will soar faster horizontally too!
Trampoline – Bounces the kitty higher into the air.
TNT – Actually explodes the kitty higher into the air!
Floating Misses – Does the same as the TNT, but since it is already in the air, the kitty will get more hang time!
Some of the ‘stopper’ objects that will stop the kitty in her tracks!
A Fly Trap – Yes, a fly trap! IF the kitty gets anywhere close, it will gobble her up!
Spikes – If the kitty lands on these, then game over!